Hello and thank you to interest you in my problem.
To conceive a bootable application, I decided to use GRUB.
This application (see join file) uses a script file which calls upon GRUB.
Unfortunately, when I try to build this application with Make, script announces to me that it is impossible for him to locate GRUB, however, 0.93 version is provided by default in Mandrake 10. This version of GRUB is provided in the form of package which one installs with Package Manager. I do not think of having make error in install, because I found it in his repertory of installation (usr/sbin/grub). This script functioned with a preceding version of Mandrake.

I think of having said all to you.

That's all and excuse me for my english.

Cyril Dupuit.

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Attachment: helloworld-os-1.0.tar.gz
Description: application/gzip-compressed

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