> Summary:  ARP or unsolicited UDP traffic stops the GRUB TFTP download
> Original Submission:  When using Grub to Net Boot Cluster Knoppix 3.4 via a R
> TL8169, grub hangs if it receives ARP or unsolicited UDP traffic before start
> ing any TFTP download (kernel or cfg file).
> I compiled the latest CVS Grub (June 5th 2004) patched with the diskless pack
>  3.
> I can systematically reproduce this after resetting and net grub rebooting on
> e of the machine previously active on the network used by a Knoppix cluster o
> f at least 2 computers. AS info, the machines of the cluster knoppix exchange
>  UDP info every seconds and continue trying to do so after the reset of the c
> omputer which prevents grub to net reboot via tftp even though the DHCP trans
> action is ok.
> Grub works fine if no traffic hits grub before the tftp download (tcpdump), b
> y disconnecting the 2nd cluster knoppix computer before grub starts on the fi
> rst computer.
> I don't know if this is tight to the RTL8169 only or if this is a general pro
> blem with all network card adapters yet. More info later...
> Hope this will help the Grub development and debug, Gilles.

I believe I can confirm this behavior. I'm experiencing lots of
troubles with tftp, but I'm running with a box without bios (thus
without a proper timer source (no interrupts)). I've now made sure the
box is alone on its subnet and stuff _seems_ to be better.


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