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 of the project: GNU GRUB.

[bugs #9685] Full Item Snapshot:

URL: <>
Project: GNU GRUB
Submitted by: 0
On: Sun 07/18/04 at 15:21

Category:  Installation
Severity:  Major
Priority:  5 - Normal
Item Group:  Software Error
Resolution:  None
Assigned to:  None
Originator Name:  Ignat Quinn Meldin
Originator Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Status:  Open
Release:  0.95
Reproducibility:  Intermittent
Planned Release:  

Summary:  grub-install: find_device(): getting the device name

Original Submission:  Currently the `df` command is used to get the device name. It is 
supposed to return lines in the form of: /dev/devicename ...
When I had Red Hat 7.3 distribution, it worked properly. But when I began using SuSE 
9.1, it failed, because for root filesystem df returned "LABEL=/" instead of 
"/dev/hda2". I always use mounting by label, but df always used to return apropriate 
device name in Red Hat 7.3. Even more, df also returns device names for all 
filesystems except root, though they all are mounted by label. So it seems to be a bug 
in kernel or in mount (not in df, because df version from Red Hat 7.3 behaves the same 

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