
I need help to configure my grub loader.

In my PC I have two Hard Drives: hda with W2K and NTFS, and hdc with RedHat 9. Last week I tried to install Suse 9.1 in hda. I create a new partion (W2K is at hda1 and hda2, and prepare hda6) for Suse 9.1. During the install process, something went wrong because Suse 9.1 didn't recognised my video card and I had to abort installation, but Suse 9.1 already install grub at MBR.

I tried to put the things as they were before installation, so I use my startup disk for RH9 and re-install grub at MBR with my old configuration.

As result of this operation, the RH9 is working, but I can´t start with W2K (I hate this SO, but I can´t live without it). I tried the procedures written in Grub's Manual, such as:

rootnoverify (hd0,0)

chainloader +1


but GRUB looks like not to be able to find the first sector of HD to start W2K. The first partition has the W2K OS, also, I can access to my data at hda1 from RH9. Using FDISK I can observe hda1 partition with NTFS fs type, and boot flag active.

One thing I know, it was after Suse 9.1 install GRUB at MBR that I lose W2K. Can anyone help me?

This situation is not the first time that happens. When I tried to replace RH9 for FC2, I had the same problem, and the solution was format everything and install RH9 and W2K as a fresh new system.



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