On Sat, 11 Sep 2004 07:58, mike padlipsky wrote:

(Most snipped for bandwidth... )

> 4] regardless of whether you wrote the code or are in charge of the
> manual, if you are fluent in c  i'd very much appreciate your taking a
> look at the code [i haven't written/read c since 1977 and at my age am
> not about to reboot myself into that arena] and telling me EXACTLY
> what grub does to make the mapping happen.  what bit/bits are set
> where?  does it 'talk' to the bios, muck w/ the mbr, muck w/ the sbr,
> what?  [and if it's not implicit in the answer to that one, what makes
> you/grub think that the effect won't be persistent?]

Yes, I too would like to know just what 'map' does, and - specifically 
- does it affect GRUB's own addressing (as in later 'root' commands for 
- does it change any settings that will persist after a reboot?
- similarly, how does 'hide' work?

I do recall that after much study of the manual, a few months ago, I couldn't 
find anything explicit on those points

> or am i going to have to ask dennis to take a look at the code for
> me....?

Namedropper!   <g>


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