
I try to use GNU Grub on AMD64 computer. However, i have been
embarrassing problems. After installation on grub on MBR (without
error), i have this message (before loading of the grub menu) : 

``Loading Grub, please wait ...''

And nothing happened after this message, i have no error. I never had
this kind of problem before testing GNU Grub on a box with AMD64. I used
0.95+cvs20040624-8 package from Debian. I try anothers versions of GNU
Grub from anothers GNU/Linux distributions, but it didn't work too
despite it was up to date package from GNU Grub.

I have :
Via KT800 chipset and AMD64 2800+.

Is this a material problem or software problem ? Could someone help me
to resolv this annoying problem ?

Thanks for your help.
Arnaud Fontaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http://www.andesi.org/ | GPG
Public Key available on pgp.mit.edu | Fingerprint: D792 B8A5 A567 B001
C342 2613 BDF2 A220 5E36 19D3

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