On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 23:30:08 +0100, Bruno Boettcher wrote:

> hmmm was just wondering, have one machine down, completely due to the
> malfunction of grub....

Confirmed here. I cannot reinstall grub (okay, I can, from grub-floppy;
and it tells me 'success'. But when I reboot, the grub menu doesn't come
up; but the kernel is loaded immediately.)
I also notice that the screen is almost unreadable; the characters
completely distorted; some vertical dotted lines are visible; the
characters like 'smear' all over the screen.
No, hold your breath; when X starts everything is fine and okay.
It's getting even stranger: when I boot from grub-floppy, the same
kernel; same commands, everything is fine; the characters are normally
visible while the lines of the boot screen flush by.

As mentioned, all this started with the latest kernel-update (2.6.8) on
Sarge. Also remarkable, I run two almost identical machines, and it only
happened on one (DELL Inspiron 8100).

My question to Debian and grub: what might have happened during that
update ? How is it that I can install grub from floppy; successfully !;
and still it is not called, but the kernel booted on its own ?

> firing up a knoppix and launching grub-install
> had no effect either... installing lilo neither .... quite clue less
> about what's happening!
>> I'm using the latest grub update in Sarge with no problem. Do we have
>> the same version? I have version 0.95+cvs20040624-10.

I also have the one from cvs....

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