Follow-up Comment #4, bug #15048 (project grub):

Francois Genolini wrote:
> GRUB and LILO work differently, and maybe once WindowsXP is run, the GRUB
> stage1 bootloader reamins but the stage2 (the chain-loader) is being
> overwritten by Windows XP.  The bootloader can be installed in the disc
> in your case), or on the parition (for example hda4).  Maybe your falvour
> Linux has made the wrong decisions on how to install GRUB.

In order to fix this problem, I run a livecd, chroot to the ubuntu partition
and run grub-install --no-floppy --recheck /dev/hda and then update-grub. I
think that installs grub in the MBR of the disc hda. Not many people has
reported problems and I don't think the default installation is very
different from Debian.

However, I do think that the problem might be in WinXP and not in GRUB. In
such case, will the only solution be to complain to Microsoft or use LILO
instead? Can GRUB in future releases prevent this from happening? 
Excuse me, I have not idea how GRUB and LILO work so maybe this is just a
stupid question.

> SATA drives are listed in the BIOS and when you open the computer you will
> see that the connector is extra thin (not a ribbon).  These discs may
> as sd (to GRUB) instead of hd (to Linux), and this may confuse GRUB.

I will check this and report to you. However, if I don't boot winxp
everything works smooth.

> You seem to have only 1 41GB disc with 6 partitions, including what looks
> like Windows95: which boot loader did you use befor installing Linux: the
> Windows XP boot loader or the Windows95 (if any) boot loader?

There was not bootloader, it booted directly on winxp. The Win95 partition
contains some administrative tools and I think it is not supposed to be
bootable or even visible. 

> The Ubuntu bugzilla is separate, and maybe you should report this bug to
> Ubunto bugzilla alone.

Well, reporting here provided some clues. If you wish, I will stop posting
here until someone can confirm something similar in another distribution or
prove that it is not an Ubuntu issue.

Anyway, I will not be able to reach that particular machine until January, so
this will have to wait if nobody else can reproduce this.

Thanks very much for your help.


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