> Hi,
> After removing R/H Fedora 3 from a laptop, fdisked the drive, formatted
> & sys'ed it, then when rebooting found the 'GRUB'message & CAN'T GET RID
> OF IT!.  Would appreciate any help you could give on this. Stand on my
> head & eat a BUG if you can assist.

Yes, you're right. The problem is not that Grub stays there... the problem 
is that it is not designed to boot in 5 seconds the following sequence of 

rootnoverify (hd0,0)
chainloader +1

The problem for running this sequence is that you need to have loaded 
stage2, if I'm right, and you can't load it because you have fdisked the 
disk and then deleted all the contents.

So... I ask again the question...

Wouldn't it possible to add this sequence of commands to stage1 without 
making it bigger and I suppose not this squence... but the equivalent in 


BTW. The fdisk /mbr answer that another user gave you is the correct one.

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