This is not a bug, necessarily, but this list was advertised as a source of 
help with grub.  I'm rebuilding a win98 Compaq Deskpro 2000 as dual boot for an 
acquaintance.  She wants to have her old system to fall back on.  Apparently 
these old Compaq's stashed some of their BIOS configuration on the c: drive.  
Makes me reluctant to go messing with her MBR, since I know so little about the 
particulars of her machine.  

I have her old 2gb drive with win98 at hda1 (hd0,0), with her D drive at hda2 
(hd0,1).  I have the new debian system at root hdb2 (hd1,1) and boot at hdb1 

I'm booting from a grub floppy with a menu.lst on it at boot/grub/.  It finds 
and boots the Debian system without a hitch.  But will only boot the win98 
installation if I first unplug hdb, otherwise it merely hangs.  My win98 stanza 
in the grub file reads:  

title Windows 98 Legacy System
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
make active
chainloader +1

Any ideas would be appreciated.  

-- Hugh 

RCK Computer Services

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