adrian15 wrote:

dd copied (hd0,2) to (hd0,3) to make system for the kids, then modified boot.ini in the copy to point to the right partition (details below).


When I boot (hd0,3) I get:

Invalid BOOT.INI file
Booting from C:\winnt\

I suppose that NT Boot code has saved somewhere the position where NTLDR is. I mean it does not search it.

If I were you I will check this project to fix your hd0,3 wxp boot:

(It is a tool for making something equivalent to fdisk /mbr or fixmbr or fixboot but you can specify the partition where to act.


Thanks, I will. I also noticed that I have the partition numbers in the start of the mailnote off by one (count from 1 instead of 0), but they were done right in the system.

I also learned through the "starman"s site which has disassembly of boot records (well known I hope, don't have it handy) that NT and XP partition boot records have their offset in sectors from the start of the volume as a 4 byte number at offset 0x1c-0x1f. This and the disk serial number are the only bytes different from my copied partition and clean install, which works. If I understand, the S/N is not functional and will not present a problem (We shall see!). I want to have an image I can copy around to restore though, not go through a reinstall everytime Windows gets messed up.

I will be trying to get them to run in "logical" partitions too so that I can have many Windows systems (one per child) bootable on the system, plus room for experimental Linux and FreeBSD (For me).

I will post a summary when I am done with what I learned and how I did it for other's reference.


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