I want to make a grub boot floppy that is completely self-contained up to the capability to present a prompt and accept and run any grub command (e.g. setup). I have tried diong this in the past using one of two methods but what I have found is that although the boot floppy works fine if the same disk is in hd0 as was there when I created the floppy, if that disks is not there and some other disk without the relevant stage files (stage 2 is it?) is there instead, all that happens when I boot the floppy is the single word
appears on the console and then nothing.

I can't remember exactly how I set up the floppy (actually I have two and think I may have either run setup (fd0) from a grub prompt while running grub from booting the disk
   from running system:   run                 grub-install /dev/fd0
I know I have tried both of these methods but not sure on which floppies that I've tried but I suspect that neither of these makes a completely self-contained boot floppy.

I am not asking for the final stage of finding a configfile on floppy - I just want a full grub subcommand environment without requiring to read anything from anywhere else.

Can someone please tell me how.- preferably both legacy and new grub2 if different.


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