Stephen Liu wrote:
Hi adrian15,

Tks for your advice.

Here go instructions.

1) bunzip2 sgd_0.9354_mothers_day_preview.img.bz2
2) Put a non-valuable floppy on your floppy drive.
3) dd if=./sgd_0.9354_mothers_day_preview.img.bz2 of=/dev/fd0

A boot floppy created as advised.

It booted the PC, a FC5_64 box.  During booting following warnings
- Error 14 : file not found
  Boo 'boot /sgd if no knoppix file available'

- Error 23 Error while parsing number
  Booting '2'
It is a normal behaviour of SGD. You don't have to cry :) for it.
It makes some semi-intelligent detections.

At the starting screen, highlighted "Boot From CDRom Drive" and pressed

The LiveCD on the CDRom can't not be booted.
Once you've pressed enter you should see Smart Boot Manager...

1) The CDROM does not even appear on the Smart Boot Manager menu ?

2) It appears but it does not boot?

I have no idea how to boot the HD, a SATA II disc.
With the grub.conf / menu.lst that it is written below you should be
able to boot your Fedora. Just copy it to the boot floppy...
and add these lines:
title MY LST
configfile $(grub_device)/boot/sdg/S10en/my.lst
to the file: /boot/sdg/S10en/menu.lst

(Everything inside the floppy)

When selecting the MY LST option from English Super Grub Disk you will
be able to have an identical menu to your hard disk one.

# cat /boot/grub/grub.conf
title Fedora Core (2.6.16-1.2111_FC5)
        root (hd0,0)
        kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.16-1.2111_FC5 ro root=LABEL=/ rhgb noapic
        initrd /initrd-2.6.16-1.2111_FC5.img
* End *


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