Once you recover the solaris's grub ... reinstall linux grub on the linux
partition boot sector and then chainload from solaris's grub to this linux
grub and you're done.

Just to make sure I understand: by reinstall linux grub, do you mean
that I will
boot into solaris , then when the grub menu appears, type root (hd0,2)
(let's say this is the
linux partition) and then setup(hd0) or setup(hd0,2)?

Ian Brown

On 10/30/06, Adrián <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>From the grub menu, is this:
> rootnoverify(hd0,3)
> makeactive
> chainloader +1
> And I got:
>   Invalid or unsupprted executable format.

This is very strange but it could happen.

> Any idea what I should do?
> Regards,
> Ian

Take Super Grub Disk and boot your Solaris.

I do not remember right now. I think it was Advanced -> Boot other oses ->

well... it is supposed to work with OpenSolaris not with Solaris. But try
it anyway so that you can give me some feedback :) .

(If you cannot boot Solaris with SGD, at this step you should boot with a
solaris live cd do a chroot (I actually do not know if it exists in
Solaris or not) and run the command... continue reading)

Once in Solaris there's a command called install-grub (I do not know why
but you cannot reinstall solaris's grub with root and setup you have to
run the stupid install-grub command) (Maybe it is called another way).

Once you recover the solaris's grub ... reinstall linux grub on the linux
partition boot sector and then chainload from solaris's grub to this linux
grub and you're done.


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