Follow-up Comment #1, bug #17472 (project grub):

I got into the same problem and finally got to solved it. After so many hours
of browsing for a solution I saw on a page that Win makes a backup of the boot
record. So, what I did:
- i did a fixmbr/fixboot (although I was not expecting that the fixmbr would
do anything, I was expecting that the fix boot would do something. Well, I
don't know how one would expect that a M$ system tool (especially something
that difficult as to copy one sector) would work. So I don;t know wht they
ACTUALLY did thos two commands;
- I looked for a sector as close to sector 0 as possible (as close in terms
of data (first) and in terms of location (second)); found sector 6 (if I
remember well);
- I copied sector 6 to sector 0 USING A HEXEDITOR (I don't know if that was
stupid or smart, but I couldn't rely on another stupid tool).
I hope that there will be at least one person to use this information, cause
it took me some time to figure it.


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