Follow-up Comment #2, bug #10186 (project grub):

I'll second this bug.

Under debian etch, grub 0.97-27 ... If there's no separate /boot partition
then grub-install checks the root filesystem. If no initramfs is used, then
the root device mounted is known as /dev/root. And if /etc/mtab is a symlink
to /proc/mounts then "df /" shows /dev/root as the root device. And so
grub-install errors out with "/dev/root: Not found or not a block device."

The workaround I did was to remove the /etc/mtab symlink and make it an
ordinary file. Now df shows:

duke:~# df /
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda3              1976524    886592    989528  48% /

And grub-install works.

So I suggest that grub-install should implement some more powerful voodoo for
obtaining the correct root device.


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