First: Here is what lead up to the problem

Question at the bottom:

F9 has been running great since it came out

I read that one should install F10 before F11 so I did install F10!

Everything went great.

(1) Then I tried to install the F11 iso dvd. After the "anaconda started"
message at the bottom of a blue screen, the screen went blank and occasionally
the message would appear:

"cannot display this mode 2:dvi-d"

Thinking the monitor had gone into power save, I hit many keys and moved the
mouse to no avail.

I gave up! BTW I had checked all media CDs for errors.

(2) then working under F10, a little message appeared from the lower right of
the screen asking if I wanted to upgrade to F11.

I accepted and again "cannot display this mode 2:dvi-d" on a black screen

after anaconda started on a blue screen. This time no ISO DVD F11. I've never 

such an error message in 11 years (off and on) of using Linux.

HD Disk activity was showing on the disk activity light so I let it run all

night and part of today. I hit a bunch of keys and moved the mouse and the blue

screen returned saying all was done and restarting.

After restart, I seem to have F11 installed. I did a yum update and got some

more F11 updates.

On the grub screen, the only F11 kernel was the PAE kernel which I selected
and got:

[ora...@eugene OCI_NavSysError]$ uname -a
Linux Eugene #1 SMP Fri Jul 31 04:40:15 EDT 2009
i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

Does F11 have any F11 kernels?

BTW running >setup (hd0,0) under F10 grub ruined my XP prof OS on scsi 0 so I

reloaded XP Prof from scratch.


(1) what is this "cannot display this mode 2:dvi-d" ???

(2) Now I cannot boot to Fedora 11 and all the advice on how to reinstall

grub has failed failed. Did a rescue and chroot /mnt/sysimage and the fdisk -l

Now XP Prof seems to be on /dev/sdc and Fedora on /dev/sdd. What do I do?

Current Problem:
I've been working on this for days!

Grub went well for F10 but F11 not.

I did:

 rescue->chroot /mnt/sysimage

grub-install --recheck /dev/sda        ;;I tried also hd0


grub>find /grub/stage1


my device table is :

hd0    /dev/sda

hd1    /dev/sdb

hd2    /dev/sdc

hd3    /dev/sdd

fdisk -l yields:

/dev/sdc1    boot=* ID=7  system = hpfs/ntfs (XP Pro)

/dev/sdd1    boot=* ID=83  system = Linux

/dev/sdd2    boot=* ID=8e  system = Linux/LVM


grub>root (hd3,0)

grub>setup (hd3)           answers looked OK

Make no sense so I tried

grub>root (hd0,0)

grub setup (hd0)           all answers were no

forever it has been

hd0 has contained XP Pro

hd1 has contained Fedora

what am I doing wrong???

Somebody suggested:
grub >root (hd3,0) #(partiton that /boot/grub is located on)

grub >setup (hd0) #(mbr of drive that bios boots first)

got the usual OK message but upon reboot, it was back to XP Prof (I recently 
reloaded from scratch)

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