Am Mittwoch, den 16.12.2009, 20:56 -0800 schrieb y-man:
> Hi, 
> I have a very strange GRUB problem.
> My system has two disk drives, one of which with two Linux installs.
> MBR of each disk has been setup from separate installs to allow
> booting
> either Linux:
> IDE disk (MBR setup from IDE part2)
> Part1: Mint 7 (Ubuntu 9.04 based)
> Part2: Ubuntu 8.04
> SATA disk (MBR setup from IDE part1)
> Part1-5: swap and user-data partitions
> Grub version of both Linux installs is 0.97.

We don't accept any bug reports for GRUB Legacy anymore.
Use GRUB 2, but the Ubuntu 8.04 version of it is too old.
I don't know what Mint 7 is or what version of grub2 they have if they
have it at all.

Felix Zielcke
Proud Debian Maintainer and GNU GRUB developer

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