Follow-up Comment #2, bug #28807 (project grub):

The filesystem is ext2. Here are the results of grub-fstest:

# ./grub-fstest /dev/sda ls
(loop0) (loop0,6) (loop0,5) (loop0,3) (loop0,2) (loop0,1) (host) 

# ./grub-fstest /dev/sda ls '(loop0,6)'
Partition loop0,6: Filesystem type ext2, Last modification time 2010-02-04
07:04:15 Thursday, UUID 84b34ca9-d870-44c2-8809-2e43c782c51e

# ./grub-fstest /dev/sda ls '(loop0,6)/'
lost+found/ var/ etc/ media/ initrd.img lib/ usr/ home/ dev/ proc/ bin/ boot/
mnt/ root/ tmp/ sbin/ selinux/ sys/ srv/ opt/ vmlinuz

# ./grub-fstest /dev/sda ls '(loop0,6)/boot'
grub/ vmlinuz-2.6.26-2-686 config-2.6.26-2-686

# ./grub-fstest /dev/sda6 ls
(loop0) (host) 

# ./grub-fstest /dev/sda6 ls '/'
lost+found/ var/ etc/ media/ initrd.img lib/ usr/ home/ dev/ proc/ bin/ boot/
mnt/ root/ tmp/ sbin/ selinux/ sys/ srv/ opt/ vmlinuz

# ./grub-fstest /dev/sda6 ls '/boot/'
grub/ vmlinuz-2.6.26-2-686 config-2.6.26-2-686

I think that this means that grub-fstest is OK. When I boot up into the grub
bootloader and I tab-complete to the appropriate directory, the grub
bootloader thinks that the directory is empty:

sh:grub> linux (ata0,6)/boot/ (tab complete)
sh:grub> linux (ata0,6)/boot/ (tab complete)
sh:grub> linux (ata0,6)/boot/ (tab complete)
sh:grub> linux (ata0,6)/boot/ (tab complete)

If I "force" the filename and press enter, I get:

sh:grub> linux (ata0,6)/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.26-2-686
Error: out of disk


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