On 2010/07/10 12:26 (GMT+0100) Richard Prangnell composed:

> I have just installed Ubuntu 10.04 LTS with dual-boot configuration,
> alongside Windows XP. Now I cannot boot to Windows XP. The computer just
> hangs with a single blinking cursor at top left of screen. However, I can
> boot to Ubuntu and can mount the Windows filesystem in Ubuntu, which seems
> intact. On trawling the forums, I get the impression that this behaviour has
> been encountered before (many times) and is due to a built-in computer
> security feature (mine is a Dell Optiplex type) corrupting one or more
> Grub-related files at boot time. So wouldn't it be a relatively easy task to
> update the Grub system so as to write protect the files that are vulnerable
> to corruption, or have the same files re-generated every time Grub is
> loaded? This would be a very handy improvement for people in my position, as
> it would mean we could once again access a lot of valuable Windows software
> that is vital to our livelihoods!

Most of my systems are multiboot. More than three of those are Dell Optiplex
(110, 150, 260, 270, extras) with XP installed right alongside multiple
Linux, DOS &/or OS/2 versions.

I never let Grub get installed to the MBR (a tricky proposition with *buntu,
since it thinks it's supposed to own the MBR, and obfuscates the option to
put it in its proper place on / or /boot), and never have a problem booting
Linux, or DOS, or OS/2 due to any kind of Grub corruption of files it has no
business messing with.

http://fm.no-ip.com/PC/install-doz-after.html includes instructions for
"chainloading" Grub from the XP boot loader, but Grub can be the primary
bootloader without any presence on the MBR.
"The wise are known for their understanding, and pleasant
words are persuasive." Proverbs 16:21 (New Living Translation)

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

Felix Miata  ***  http://fm.no-ip.com/

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