Follow-up Comment #2, bug #38366 (project grub):

It's good to see someone taking another look at this :)

My only comments right now without looking too closely would be:

1. Why do work on obsolete 1.98 code? Better to use trunk or at least 2.00

2. Use:- diff -u original_file new_file > mypatch.patch 
to create your patches,

3. Patch the files in the source tree not the final ones. The
final files are generated from the .in files during build. (see also "diff
-ur" to diff the whole tree)

I don't know much about how this all works now, the code has changed a lot
since I made my patches back in 2010.

I gave up as it was rejected out of hand with no real explanation of the exact

Very demotivating after weeks of work.

I hope you have more success,


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