Follow-up Comment #5, bug #39216 (project grub):

Yes, why not, it could be also the case.
And, when I see again now, which settings Bryan made in his BIOS, I think it
is much more probable then my idea - because Bryan changed only BIOS boot
settings/sequence, not BIOS USB legacy settings.

But I have on my PC this BIOS issue (as I wrote below):
Each time I try to boot with connected external USB 1TB disk drive, the BIOS
hangs - even I have set booting priority/selection to boot only from local
disk drive!
I.e., my BIOS hangs not in the booting phase, but it hangs more early, when it
only checks/enumerates connected USB devices - it is clear also from BIOS
console output.
(My USB 1TB disk is properly formatted and bootable - on newer machine(s) it
can be used as bootable device without any problem. But, on my current older
PC, this disk is no usable as bootable medium and can be connected only after
Linux or Windows boot.)

So, my first idea was that Bryan's DELL has the similar/same BIOS problem.
Fortunately, even it was probably bad idea, it pointed also to BIOS boot
settings, where Bryan finally found the solution himself - so, it could be
rare example, how also bad diagnose can lead sometimes indirectly to correct
solution of the problem... :-)



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