Follow-up Comment #2, bug #40552 (project grub):

Bug ID or it didn't happen... Can you please provide the bug that was filed
against the kernel for a generic linear framebuffer ID?

My case is clearly not the one that you describe and the GRUB manual claims
"grub-mkconfig will normally load all available GRUB video drivers and use the
one most appropriate for your hardware".  Provided such claim, it is
reasonable to expect that "vesafb" be used in a fairly standard case line

Also, wouldn't an alternative to forcing the EFI driver be loaded in the case
that you describe be to allow the kernel to perform it's own auto-detection,
similar to how I did bye setting "GRUB_VIDEO_BACKEND=true"?

All that said, this, at the very least, warrants documentation in the GRUB
manual.  From the many forums I've read, this appears to be a plague upon the
Linux community.  People are more inclined to forgo graphics support in GRUB,
in favor of graphics support in the kernel, without going to the extent of
determining that GRUB wants EFI support in their kernel built for a BIOS


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