Follow-up Comment #9, bug #40330 (project grub):

It looks like fontforge is doing something to the PCF font that
grub-mkfont/freetype doesn't like.

I started again with the BDF font and ran bdftopcf on it.  Then I ran the
grub-mkfont command you give below.  The output is at

The .sig file is in the same directory.

I don't plan to upload the PF2 font to Savannah, as it wasn't built from the
source tarball directly; I did it by hand.

After running bdftopcf, I set the copyright and version information using
fontforge, because bdftopcf drops that information.  Maybe freetype only
expects whatever bdftopcf puts in a PCF font and nothing more.  When I tried
it earlier I had not yet applied the fontforge changes.

The error is probably in freetype rather than fontforge, but either one could
be responsible.

I can add auto-building a PF2 font to future Unifont releases for GRUB's sake,
in which case I would put a copy in the Savannah directory.


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