On 16.09.2014 11:03, cnboot wrote:
> Hi,I am the Linux user,come from China,I am writing to you for help.I wanna 
> install the Arch Linux into my USB device. I have some problems in grub.  I 
> divide my USB device to two partitions(sdb1 and sdb2,sdb1 is ext4 filesystem 
> and the sdb2 is fat32,they are both primary partition). Then I install the 
> Arch Linux to the sdb1 by "pacstrap" command ,and mount the sdb2 on /mnt,I 
> run the "grub-install --boot-directory=/mnt /dev/sdb" to install the grub. 
> And it can boot. But as you know,the Windows system can not recognize the two 
> partitions at the same time ,it can only read the sdb1,so i change the sdb1 
> to sdb2 and sdb2 to sdb1 so that I can read the another partition which has 
> the grub.cfg file ,but I find the USB device can't boot normally, it falls to 
> "grub rescue " mode with the wrong message "unknown filesystem":-( And i run 
> "set",it tells me the root=(hd0,msdos2) which stores the grub modules and 
> grub.cfg.But it still can't boot ,it is obvious that the grub doesn't load 
> the modul
es and grub.cfg.I don't know why:(.I remember that i have done the same thing 
some weeks ago and it worked well.But now it can't work.And now i use "bootice" 
which is a windows partition tool to install the grub,this time no matter how i 
change the sdb1 or sdb2,it can also read the two partitions ,but when run the 
"normal",it tells me that "grub_real_boot_time" not found :( Oh i really don't 
know how to deal with it.
> I hope you can help me :)
You're sending to wrong mailing list. This ML is only for bugs.
Also I heavily recommend to split your message into paragraphs and
invest some time in formatting and putting most important things first.
Your message as-is is very difficult to read. As a matter of fact I
stopped reading after 2 lines.
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