Follow-up Comment #2, bug #43601 (project grub):

I believe I found the source of the issue.  When the device is a net device,
grub_pubkey_open in verify.c closes the net device at the end with the
grub_file_close(io) call even though that is not the intent (io->device is
nulled before the free call, but the call back into grub_net_fs_close closes
the device anyway).  When the function doing the original file operation (cat
in my case) does it's close, the device is double freed and causes the memory
corruption error.  I've attached a patch that skips the grub_file_close(io)
step in grub_pubkey_open if the device is a net device.  This has fixed my
issue without any adverse consequences.  

(file #32459)

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