in our ISO images in the ISO9660 partition we ship a squashfs image
containing the full OS image.
At boot GRUB does something like this:

loopback loop_squash ($eosimage)/endless/endless.squash
loopback loop_img (loop_squash)/endless.img
set root=(loop_img,gpt3)

This is working fine for our small images without any problem.

The problem arises when the size of endless.squash is >4GB. In this
case accessing (loop_img) just fails with:

No known filesystem detected

I spent a bit tracking down this issue and I think that the problem
here is that endless.squash has been stored in two extents in the
ISO9660 and GRUB doesn't deal fine with that (also according to this

Could be this the cause of the problem? Any suggestion besides
extending the iso9660 module with the support for files stored on
multiple extents?

This is briefly how I tracked down the issue. When squash_mount() is
called it tried to access the squashfs image to retrieve the number of
the fragments, this is done basically reading at sb.unk1offset in the
squashfs image. This number for images >4GB is clearly wrong. Being
the image mounted in loopback what happens is that grub is trying to
read the squashfs file on the ISO9660 partition at file->offset >4GB
in grub_iso9660_read(). Inspecting the ISO with isoinfo we have:

----------   0    0    0      4294965248 Feb 15 2017 [  13356 FFFF
----------   0    0    0       269539328 Feb 15 2017 [2110507 00]

That is in grub_iso9660_read() we are trying to access the second
extent, reading rubbish.

Is this theory correct?

Thank you,

Carlo Caione  |  +39.340.80.30.096  |  Endless

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