Follow-up Comment #2, bug #61101 (project grub):

I have also run into this same problem.  I'll add that I've tried patches to
2.06 from various vendors (Fedora, OpenSUSE, CentOS).  I'm able to test on
Dell (C6420/Intel) and SuperMicro (H12DSG-Q-CPU6/AMD).

Same as Piotr, 2.06 works fine with Legacy BIOS + VLAN (booting core.0).  Also
UEFI without VLAN works fine.

I'll add: Grub 0.97 (Legacy) with vendor patches in CentOS 6.9/6.10 will boot
UEFI + VLAN. grub-0.97-99.el6.x86_64.rpm

I'm willing to test, patch, and debug further with instruction.


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