
                 Summary: GRUB unable to work with bcachefs multidevice /
                   Group: GNU GRUB
               Submitter: immolo
               Submitted: Thu 11 Jan 2024 08:02:03 AM UTC
                Category: Filesystem
                Severity: Major
                Priority: 5 - Normal
              Item Group: None
                  Status: None
                 Privacy: Public
             Assigned to: None
         Originator Name: Immolo
        Originator Email: 
             Open/Closed: Open
                 Release: Git master
         Discussion Lock: Any
         Reproducibility: Every Time
         Planned Release: None


Follow-up Comments:

Date: Thu 11 Jan 2024 08:02:03 AM UTC By: Immolo <immolo>
Currently bcachefs works great as 6.7.0 as a single device / system and a vfat
/boot for GRUB to load and be able to boot into the system but when you add
multi device to the system things go bad.

Running grub-mkconfig - o /boot/grub/grub.cfg gives the error:

/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: failed to get canonical path of

GRUB versions tested:

latest git as of 2024-01-11

I have tried with both compression on and off just rule it out

Most likely depends on https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?55801

Linked bug on bcachefs tracker -


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