syminfo.lst is generated automatically. You don't need to supply it. Your
error means 2 things:
1) real error is earlier in the log
2) most likely you don't have right sed or awk tools

Le ven. 19 juil. 2024, 20:56, Lavelle, William <> a écrit :

> Hello all! Apologies for any noob behavior, I’m new to this. I’d like to
> help fix Bug 65065 on the forums
> <> after it happened for me
> too, 7 months after it first posted.
> When I run make, I get the error:
> *** No rule to make target ‘../grub-core/extra_deps.lst’, needed by
> ‘syminfo.lst’.  Stop.
> It seems simple to fix (famous last words, I know) since it’s just a
> missing file. The commit message by Oliver Steffen (linked) seems to imply
> this file “extra_deps.lst” already exists, just wasn’t included in the
> tarball. My ideas to fix it:
>    1. Use git add to commit the file, adding it to the tarball for
>    everyone
>    2. Grab the file from somewhere else, put it in the source code
>    directory, run make. This only solves it for me, but I could post on the
>    forum bug report “this is solved by going to this public resource to get
>    the file yourself”. But where could I grab a copy of
>    “../grub-core/extra_deps.lst”? I’m worried about how do I know if the
>    version I grab for use is outdated. I tried download the most recent
>    snapshot with “git clone”
>    but couldn’t find any file named “extra_deps.lst” inside.
> Thank you all!

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