
  The website documentation and examples are for GSL v2.4, so they will likely not work with v2.1 since the nonlinear least squares code has changed significantly in recent versions. Can you please install v2.4 and try the example program again? Also please send along any example code you cannot successfully compile.


On 03/20/2018 05:30 AM, Dr. Jonny Birkhan wrote:
Dear colleagues,

after hours of trying to get your first multifit-nonlinear expamle running (https://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/doc/html/nls.html#examples), -including request for help along the help-gsl@...-,  I conclude that there is something wrong with the library.

I have also used a fresh ubuntu installation. Then I installed the gsl libs 2.1 from the synaptic package manager.

Copying the example code from the website and compiling it, always fails.

Compiling and running the linear fit example works well.

So, there seems to be something wrong.

Could you check the library in that naive way any non-expert user would do?

Currently I cannot recompile code written a year ago.

Thanks a lot in advance and best regards,

Jonny Birkhan

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