Hi Edwin,

  Interestingly, that Brown test problem is part of the test suite for nlinear (see multifit_nlinear/test_brown3.c). It looks like I set gtol = GSL_DBL_EPSILON^(0.9) for the test suite problems, so it is much stricter than the recommended value in the manual.

  As a general rule, determining convergence for optimization problems is more of an art than a science, which is why GSL offers 2 seperate rules (based on the step size and the gradient). I had tried to add a third rule based on the change in ||f|| from one iteration to the next, but I found this didn't work so well so I disabled it.

  If the gradient test isn't working well, you could disable it by setting gtol = 0, and then only the xtol test will be used.

  But in any case I will take a look at this Brown test problem to try to understand what is going on.


On 03/22/2018 08:02 AM, Sarkissian, Edwin (398E) wrote:
Hello Patrick,

After I studied the gradient-test algorithm implemented in 
gsl_multifit_nlinear_test, I realized that the algorithm avoids some problems 
by scaling the gradient; however, the scaling method results in another 
problem.   Adding a constant to a cost function does not change the shape (ups 
and downs, minima and maxima, ...) of the cost function, and minima will stay 
where they are.   However, the gradient-base convergence test given at 
could produce false results if one simple adds a large constant to the cost 
function.  For example, for the same x and the same gtol, the test may indicate 
no-convergence for
        ( ||f(x)||^2 )/2
but indicate convergence for
        ( ||f(x)||^2 + ||C||^2 )/2
where C is constant.

I encountered such a problem when I was trying to find the minimum of a test 
nonlinear least square problem due to Brown.  It is the number 4 problem in 
Section 3 of the attached document.  For the gtol suggested at 
https://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/doc/html/nls.html#testing-for-convergence, the 
gradient-based convergence test gives a false positive (converged) result.


On 3/21/18, 12:26 PM, "Patrick Alken" <al...@colorado.edu> wrote:

Can you provide a minimal working example program which illustrates
     the issue?
On 03/21/2018 08:02 AM, Sarkissian, Edwin (398E) wrote:
     > Dear Madam/Sir,
     > Sometimes, the function
     > gsl_multifit_nlinear_test
     > sets the argument info to 2 (converged based on gradient check) when the 
gradient is very large.  For example, in one case the gradient is [-999999, 
     > I have noticed the same issue with the function
     >                  gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_test
     > Thank you,
     > Edwin Sarkissian

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