I install things with prefix ~/local and with LD_RUN_PATH including
~/local/lib things normally work.  For some reason with GSL they
don't.  I get a run time error:

    ./sim: error while loading shared libraries: libgsl.so.23: cannot
open shared object file: No such file or directory)

I instead have to build with -Wl,-rpath -Wl,$(HOME)/local/lib.

This page:


has an answer saying: "Most probably LD_RUN_PATH is ignored because
package's ./configure has already put some -Wl,-rpath options in
linker's cmdline"

So I wonder if this could be what's happing with GSL?

If so it's a bug because at build-time GSL displays the usual
configure message about needing to with -Wl,-rpath *or* set
LD_RUN_PATH or (one other option I never use and don't remember now).

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