On 10/16/20 8:45 PM, Mark Galassi wrote:
I repeat here my instructions on how to do that:

"""Could you provide a "minimum working example" (MWE): the simplest
    possible GSL program, the "uname -a" of your operating system, the
    compile and link lines you used to build it, and the error message
    from that."""

Instead, I provided the proof that it is broken, and the recipe how to fix it.

The build breaks on one of the systems that I monitor. The example is the "siril" project failing on FreeBSD 11.4. The environment is clear, the cause and the reason of the failure are clear. Why do you want me to do more work and provide a smaller example of the same?

To reproduce: download the VM of FreeBSD 11.4. In it: cd /usr/ports/astro/siril && make. This would reproduce the problem.

Just fix this obvious problem! :-)

Thank you,


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