Currently, `gsl_rng_uniform is generator dependent and is in most cases 
implemented by dividing the output of `gsl_rng_get()` by `gsl_rng_max() + 1`, 
as stated in the docs. This has an obvious problem, the resolution of the 
generated floating points is solely dependent on the generators range.

None of the currently implemented generators have a range larger than 2^32 and 
most are smaller, which means that we can never even generate a random double 
to double precision. This issue is a lot bigger as many random distributions 
use `gsl_rng_uniform` internally and/or only return up to single-precision 
floating-point precision, as is the case with `gsl_ran_gaussian_ziggurat`.

But if we want to generate a random double-precision floating-point number in 
the range [0,1), how many bits would be required?

First, let's consider that we can't generate random floats uniformly using 
division by an integer:
   Integer: |----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|

            |    |    /    |   /    /    /    /      \ __/    \ __/     |

   Float:   ||||-|-|-|--|--|--|----|----|----|--------|--------|--------|
There is no 1 to 1 mapping between an integer and a floating-point number. 
Multiple integer values are mapped to the same floating-point value and/or 
smaller floating-point values are skipped.
(see the bottom of and the github link below)

One method for generating random floats is to divide by the biggest number that 
doesn't map multiple integer values to the same floating-point number. That 
would be 2^53 for doubles. This is a good compromise between accuracy and 
performance and should be the default for random double generation.

Hence, I propose adding a floating-point distribution function gsl_rand_uniform 
(and maybe gsl_rand_uniformf) that guarantee this precision for all generators.
To make implementing this easier an additional generic interface could be added 
to each RNG: `void gsl_rng_write(gsl_rng *r, void *ptr, size_t n)`, that writes 
to `n` bytes of random data to `ptr`.

There is another method for generating random floating-point values, that 
includes all representable numbers inside [a,b]. I won't explain it here, but 
I've written an implementation of this in and 
this could be added as something like `double gsl_rand_uniform_dense(gsl_rng 
*r, double min, double max)`.

I'd like some feedback on these proposed changes, so I can write a patch in the 

Best regards,

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