>     The descriptions of function gsl_histogram_max_bin and
> function gsl_histogram_min_bin have something in common.
> Is that a problem?

I think you mean to say "the description of gsl_histogram_min_bin has an error: 
it says maximum instead of minimum in one place".  Looking at it I think you 
might be right.  This patch should fix it:

diff --git a/doc/histogram.rst b/doc/histogram.rst
index c25e342a..f5287b60 100644
--- a/doc/histogram.rst
+++ b/doc/histogram.rst
@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ Histogram Statistics
 .. function:: size_t gsl_histogram_min_bin (const gsl_histogram * h)
    This function returns the index of the bin containing the minimum
-   value. In the case where several bins contain the same maximum value the
+   value. In the case where several bins contain the same minimum value the
    smallest index is returned.
 .. index::

Your other question:

>     And  I am trying to translate the manual into Chinese.
> But for me, some words are difficult to understand. Could
> you please help me to proofread them?

It's really wonderful that you are translating the manual into Chinese.  
Unfortunately I cannot help you because I don't know how to read Chinese, but I 
hope someone else can.

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