I don't think this is a bug. For Hermite integration, b must be > 0 (see documentation). For your input parameters, the weight function is 1, so you could just use Legendre integration

On 4/19/22 18:57, Zhoulai Fu wrote:
A segmentation fault is raised in gsl_integration_fixed function in GSL
Integration. The program that triggers the segmentation fault is attached.
Below is debugging info from gdb.

*Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.0x00007ff256302bd9 in
gsl_integration_fixed (func=func@entry=0x7ffec35ea0e0,
result=result@entry=0x7ffec35ea0d8, w=w@entry=0x0)    at fixed.c:134134
  const size_t n = w->n*


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