Joris van der Hoeven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> TeXmacs does not compile correctly anymore with the new Guile release.
> Can you tell me which things have changed incompatably?
> Another user told me that many other Guile projects did not compile
> anymore either with the new distribution. A suggest that you try to
> recompile all existing guile projects before launching a new release ;
> this would greatly help guile application developers to maintain their
> software...

Sorry, we can't do that.  It would take too much resources from the
core developers.  What we instead do is announcing on the guile list
that a new release is being prepared and asking people to test it.

Ideally, the Guile application developers are on the guile list and
can test their applications.

Unfortunately, we sometimes have to correct earlier bad decisions,
thus introducing incompatibilities.  When we do this, we try to do
it in a well-controlled way:

For example. When removing an old function, we

  1. mark the function as deprecated in the code and in the NEWS file
     and tell at both places what to use instead

  2. make one Guile release in this state

  3. remove the function in next release

Sometimes, however, we might have missed proceeding in this way.

In any case, once the new reference manual is finished, it will
contain a definition of what should be considered Guile's API.  We
will then make sure that applications can rely on this API for long
periods of time.

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