I managed to build guile on sco5, but it requires darn much to do so.
In particular, it requires *user* (not maintainer) to have gnu awk.
Native {n,}awk (this is the same) do not allow `/regexp/' to be a
subexpr of `pattern' statement.  To allow guile work with native awk
it needs at least one patch.

Gnu coding standards (`Utilities in Makefiles') do not include awk in
its set of portable utils at all, and guile should stick to them if it
wishes to host automake someday.  After all, sed is turing- powerful.

--- guile-func-name-check.in    2000/01/11 21:47:57     1.1
+++ guile-func-name-check.in    2001/05/16 13:25:25
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
   in_a_func = 1;
-in_a_func && /^\{/ {
+in_a_func && $0~"^\\{" {
   if (!match(last_line,/^#define[ \t]+FUNC_NAME[ \t]+/)) {
     printf filename ":" NR ":***" > "/dev/stderr";
     print "Missing or erroneous `#define FUNC_NAME s_" func_name "'" > "/dev/stderr";
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
   next_line_better_be_undef = 0;
-in_a_func && /^\}/ {
+in_a_func && $0~"^\\}" {
   next_line_better_be_undef = 1;

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