From: fabrice bauzac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2002 15:39:31 +0100


applied!  (to unstable branch, that is.  application to the stable
branch was not clean, although in the end, i was able to hunt down most
of the .rej hunks, and check in spellfixes.)

many thanks.  i ended up trying (and fighting) `M-x ediff-patch-file',
but now i know where to smooth things out in patch.el (for next time).

forget the spellcheck script idea -- here's a better one: i would love
to have a script that, given some lines from a texi file, determines if
those lines are somehow processed from source code (snarfed) and if so,
list the suspected snarf method/target.  this tool would make it easy
for casual docs maintainers (like me and you) to find out the Real Place
to fix things if need be, instead of worrying that any applied fix might
be overridden later by snarfing.  does this make sense?

i suppose it's best to just ask snarfing gurus for a tour, but there may
be usefulness for this tool outside of guile docs maintenance, where all
you have is a tarball you want to fix, and an email address you want to
pipe the patch to.


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