Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2002 14:03:19 +0200

   (define (mydatetoweeknumber dt) [...])

   Is my solution acceptable? If not, is there anyone who can implement
   a better solution?

looks like your solution codifies ISO-8601, but srfi-19 does not specify
ISO-8601.  if it is possible to implement a "date-week-number-ISO-8601"
using srfi-19 date-week-number (perhaps by providing an appropriate
second arg to date-week-number), it would be good to include that as an
example in the documentation.  would you like to try this approach?

this is a separate issue from whether or not guile's (srfi srfi-19)
date-week-number implementation fulfills the srfi-19 specification.  i
see there is no test for that in test-suite/tests/srfi-19.test.  would
you like to write one?


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