On 10 March 2013 06:59, Jason Earl <je...@notengoamigos.org> wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 09 2013, Andy Wingo wrote:
>> On Sat 09 Mar 2013 02:27, Daniel Hartwig <mand...@gmail.com> writes:
>>> It is anyway clear that ‘response-body-port’ is missing the case where
>>> a content-length header is not present and the body is terminated by
>>> the server closing the port.  Some additional care needs to be taken,
>>> e.g. ‘#:keep-alive?’ is incompatible with missing content-length.
>>> Depending on how ‘response-body-port’ is used, I will have to consider
>>> whether to signal an error or do something else in that case.
>>> Thanks for reporting this and hopefully it can be fixed for the next
>>> point release.  As I am currently somewhat involved with the web
>>> modules and related RFCs it is something else I can work on.
>> Something like this?
>> [patch]

Yes, more or less.  :-)

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