Hi Tomás,

to...@tuxteam.de writes:

> When transforming SXML to XML, namespaces don't seem to be handled
> properly:
> The problem is that SXML used the concatenated (full) namespace with the
> name as tag (and attribute) names for namespaced items. When serializing
> to XML it should try to find abbreviations for those namespaces and issue
> the corresponding namespace declarations.
> Instead, sxml->xml tries to split the (namespace:name) combination
> at the first colon and to check the name -- and fails miserably at
> (namespace:name) combinations à la "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink:href";
> (procedure check-name). Since there are two colons, the name part
> has now a colon.

xml->sxml has an optional #:namespaces argument, where you can pass an
alist of keys to URLs to be used in the sxml output:

   (let* ((ns '((svg . "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg";)
                (xlink . "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink";)))
          (the-sxml (xml->sxml the-svg #:namespaces ns)))
     (display the-sxml))

=> (*TOP*
       (svg:rect (@ (y 5)
                    (x 5)
                    (width 20)
                    (stroke-width 2)
                    (stroke purple)
                    (id rect1)
                    (height 20)
                    (fill yellow)))
       (svg:rect (@ (xlink:href #rect1)
                    (y 5)
                    (x 30)
                    (width 20)
                    (stroke-width 2)
                    (stroke purple)
                    (ry 5)
                    (rx 8)
                    (height 20)
                    (fill blue)))))

Passing this to sxml->xml yields:

    <svg:rect y="5" x="5"
              fill="yellow" />
    <svg:rect xlink:href="#rect1"
              y="5" x="30"
              ry="5" rx="8"
              fill="blue" />

Unfortunately, sxml->xml will not replace the namespace abbreviations,
nor will it add appropriate xmlns attributes, so "svg" and "xlink" are
devoid of any meaning.

Since xml->sxml accepts a namespace alist I suppose it would make sense
to extend sxml->xml to do the same.

~~ Ricardo

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