Hello.  I failed to compile and am sending this in as requested.  Below is
some system information along with a portion of the log. I also have racket
and mit-scheme on this system, in case that would have conflicted. Please
let me know if you need anything else.

Totals for this test run:
passes:                 40314
failures:               1
unexpected passes:      0
expected failures:      9
unresolved test cases:  573
untested test cases:    1
unsupported test cases: 10
errors:                 0

FAIL: check-guile
1 of 1 test failed
Please report to bug-guile@gnu.org

# grep FAIL check-guile.log
FAIL: 00-repl-server.test: repl-server: simple expression - arguments:
(expected-value "scheme@(repl-server)> $1 = 42\n" actual-value "$1 = 42\n")
XFAIL: eval.test: map: documented?
XFAIL: eval.test: define set procedure-name: procedure-with-setter
XFAIL: goops.test: defining classes: define-class: bad init-thunk
XFAIL: list.test: append!: wrong argument: circular list and empty list
XFAIL: list.test: append!: wrong argument: circular list and list
XFAIL: list.test: append!: wrong argument: list, circular list and list
PASS: 1.1.4. One way to FAIL is to throw an error
PASS: 2.1.2. Baseline test; FAIL with no optional args
XFAIL: Introduced using 'test-group' - arguments: ((actual-value
() () () () () (0 0 0 0 0)) (expected-value () () () () () (0 0 0 0 1))
(result-kind . xfail) (test-name . " Introduced using
'test-group'") (source-form test-equal " Introduced using
'test-group'" (quote (() () () () () (0 0 0 0 1))) (triv-runner (lambda ()
(test-begin "a") (test-skip "b") (test-group "b" (test-assert "x" #t))
(test-end "a")))) (source-file . "tests/srfi-64-test.scm") (source-line .
XFAIL: 8.6.3. test-apply with skips - arguments: ((actual-value ("w" "p"
"v") () () () ("x" "q" "x") (3 0 0 0 3)) (expected-value ("w" "q" "v") ()
() () ("x" "p" "x") (3 0 0 0 3)) (result-kind . xfail) (test-name . "8.6.3.
test-apply with skips") (source-form test-equal "8.6.3. test-apply with
skips" (quote (("w" "q" "v") () () () ("x" "p" "x") (3 0 0 0 3)))
(triv-runner (lambda () (test-begin "a") (test-assert "w" #t) (test-skip
(test-match-nth 2)) (test-skip (test-match-nth 4)) (test-apply
(test-runner-current) (test-match-name "p") (test-match-name "q") (lambda
() (test-assert "x" #t) (test-assert "p" #t) (test-assert "q" #t)
(test-assert "x" #f) 0)) (test-assert "v" #t)))) (source-file .
"tests/srfi-64-test.scm") (source-line . 748))
Binary file check-guile.log matches

# uname -a
Linux sci314-c01 4.7.2 #1 Wed Aug 24 14:30:41 PDT 2016 x86_64 Intel(R)
Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux

# gcc -v
Using built-in specs.
Target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
Configured with: ../gcc-5.4.0/configure --prefix=/usr --libexecdir=/usr/lib
--enable-languages=c,c++,objc,fortran,java --enable-threads=posix
--enable-__cxa_atexit --enable-clocale=gnu --enable-shared --disable-nls
--with-x=no --with-system-zlib --enable-multilib
Thread model: posix
gcc version 5.4.0 (CRUX-x86_64-multilib)

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