Christopher Allan Webber <> skribis:

> First of all, the response body starts in the wrong place... it should
> start with "<!DOCTYPE html>".  Then, somewhere in the middle it switches
> to garbage output.  I'm not sure why.


> +    (let ((record ((gnutls-ref 'session-record-port) session)))
> +      (define (read! bv start count)
> +        (define read-bv (get-bytevector-n record count))
> +        (if (eof-object? read-bv)
> +            0  ; read! returns 0 on eof-object
> +            (let ((read-bv-len (bytevector-length read-bv)))
> +              (bytevector-copy! read-bv 0 bv 0 read-bv-len)
> +              read-bv-len)))

Looks like ‘start’ is ignored here.  Could that be the reason?


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