I had a look today into the srfi-11 specificiation. It requires that the
variables are bound to fresh locations so let me rephrase the bug:

> (let ((a 1)
>       (b (let-values (((a . b) (values 2 3))
>                        (c (begin (set! a 9) 4)))
>            (list a b c))))
>   (cons a b))

Evaluates to `(1 9 (3) (4))` while it should evaluate to
`(9 2 (3) (4))`.

Hope this helps,

  • bug#38263: Bug ... Bug reports for GUILE, GNU's Ubiquitous Extension Language
    • bug#38263:... Bug reports for GUILE, GNU's Ubiquitous Extension Language
      • bug#38... Mark H Weaver
        • bu... Mark H Weaver
          • ... Bug reports for GUILE, GNU's Ubiquitous Extension Language
            • ... Andy Wingo

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