On Sat, May 16, 2020 at 12:29:54PM +0200, Jan Synacek wrote:
> Consider the following code snippet running on Guile-3.0.2:


>   <event name="KeyPress" number="2">


>   (event (@ (number 2) (name KeyPress)) 

> Attributes 'number' and 'name' are in reverse compared to the original
> xml. On the other hand, 'type' and 'name' of the 'field' element are in
> correct order.

According to the XML spec, attribute order is irrelevant [1]

    "Note that the order of attribute specifications in
     a start-tag or empty-element tag is not significant."

Now one could argue that we might want to be stricter in the
XML->SXML processor, which would be fine, but OTOH there's a
price to pay. The question is whether we want to go there --
just imagine another XML processor in the middle changing
attribute order. It would be spec compliant. What now?

Tough question.

[1] https://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#sec-starttags
-- t

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