Alex Kost <> skribis:

> myglc2 (2016-02-05 17:52 +0300) wrote:


>> b) make a new/improved 'guix-edit' that prompts for guix-directory if it
>>    is not already not set, perhaps also refering the user to "8.1
>>    Building from Git".
> As I see it, 'M-x guix-edit' should do the same as 'guix edit' in shell,
> i.e. it should open a package file without additional prompting.  OTOH I
> think it would be good to improve 'guix-edit' so that with C-u it will
> prompt for a directory with guix packages.

Yes, that would be nice.  However, AIUI, it would require spawning a new
Guix REPL for this specific ‘guix-directory’ value, no?


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