Robin Vobruba <> skribis: > Being new to Guix, i went to the Download page: > > > immediately saw the 3 big options > read their title/names > was confused what the difference might be between "GuixSD" and "Guix Binary" > could not find anything inside these 3 option's boxes that would help me > read the text below them > read the text above them > finally understood that the first option is the OS, and the second is only > the packag-manager
I think I’ll have to disagree. :-) For each option there’s a line right below the title saying what this is. I’m no expert in “information architecture” but I’m under the impression that there’s little margin for improvement. More importantly, I think that someone who cannot be bothered to read this will not install the thing at all since installing requires you to read the much longer installation instructions. Of course we want them to be as small as possible, but I don’t think that’ll be a single line anytime soon. I hope this makes sense! Thanks for your feedback, Ludo’.