On 2016-02-12 14:58, l...@gnu.org wrote:
ren...@openmailbox.org skribis:

On 2016-01-31 17:29, l...@gnu.org wrote:
ren...@openmailbox.org skribis:

i run 'guix system reconfigure config.scm --falback', and add new
user: tron.

How did you add the new user account?  You added it in the
‘operating-system’ declaration and then run ‘guix system reconfigure’,


i replace bob user with tron in the configuration file, and later i
reconfigure. And i have only root partition.

You wrote:

When i try to login such as tron does not allow login and slim restart.

Can you log in as ‘tron’ on the console?  (Try Ctrl-alt-F2 to switch to
the console.)


Hi Ludo,

i installed the system from scratch. I will make a scenario for testing.


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